Vermont Masonic Family

Masons enjoy a wide scope of fraternal activities. In addition to Blue/Craft Masonry, there are a number of organizations that offer even more opportunities for friendship and fellowship.
Vermont Lodge of Research - was chartered by the Grand Lodge of Vermont on June 9, 1999. As a research lodge, it is not like other duly constituted lodges. The Lodge typically confers no degrees. Rather, it is entirely a vehicle for its members to learn more about Masonry and share that knowledge with other like-minded brethren.
The Order of the Eastern Star is the largest fraternal organization for men and women. To become a member of Eastern Star, you must either be a Mason or have a Masonic affiliation and be 18 years of age or over. We encourage you to learn more about this vital and vibrant organization.
Scottish Rite is often the second organization a Mason may choose to join. Our Scottish Rite Bodies in Vermont are active and provide additional opportunities for Masons in good standing to learn more of the lessons of the Craft and to engage in additional charitable activities.
York Rite, like the Scottish Rite, can be the second step for a Mason. Also, like Scottish Rite, to join York Rite, you must be a Freemason in good standing. Many are familiar with the excellent work done by the Knights Templars Eye Foundation, for example, just one of the York Rite family of charities. These bodies also add to the lessons taught in the Craft lodges.
Shriners are probably the most public of all the Masonic organizations, and you may be familiar with them from their many 'units' (clowns, minicars, etc.) and/or for their children's hospitals. All Shriners are Masons in good standing. Vermont Shrines are Cairo Shrine in Rutland and Mt. Sinai in Montpelier.
There are two additional Shrine websites of note:
ShrinersVillage.com is a private web community for Shrine-Masons only. This web community is state of the art and is designed to be the primary communications engine for all Shrine-Masons.
BeAShrinerNow.com is a membership recruitment website designed to attract web visitors and educate them about becoming a Freemason and a Shriner.
The Order of DeMolay is a Masonic-sponsored youth organization for young men ages 12 to 21. Its goal is to teach leadership and the high morals of Freemasonry to today's youth.
The Order of Rainbow is another Masonic-sponsored youth organization and is designed for young women aged 12 to 20. It, too, teaches high moral lessons and leadership.
Are you an active or former military officer or senior NCO? If so, you may want to consider membership in the National Sojourners. It's a national fraternal organization advancing programs that promote the love of the country. Here in Vermont, we have an active Sojourners Chapter along with a Camp of their appendant organization, the Heroes of '76.
Additional Masonic Information can be found at:
The Masonic Service Association of North America has a large offering of inexpensive yet highly informative publications which will help you in your daily advancement in Masonic education. Some of their material can now be purchased online.
The George Washington Masonic National Memorial is one of the most interesting and informative places you'll ever visit, this imposing building in the Washington, DC area is definitely worth a visit. Click on the graphic to learn more.