Joining Freemasonry

If you've ever thought about becoming a Mason, you have probably searched the internet and other resources trying to find answers. You have probably come across statements like "Freemasonry is the oldest fraternal organization in the World" and "To be one, ask one." You have probably also encountered the statement:
Freemasonry is a peculiar system of morality, veiled in allegory, illustrated by symbols.
While all of the above explanations of Freemasonry and how to join are accurate, they are rarely helpful in joining the fraternity. What most men need is a taste of the fraternal experience that Freemasonry offers. Our meetings are not open to the public and often, Masonic Lodges will have dinners prior to their meetings that interested individuals can attend or public events where you have a chance to speak with the men who are in the fraternity.
The stories that individual masons have about why they joined the fraternity, events that happened after joining, and the lifelong friendships they developed are far too numerous to place on a web page. They must be told by those who have experienced them. This is why we encourage you to visit a lodge near you. If you click on the "Find a Lodge Near You" button below, you will be taken to a search page where you can find the lodge nearest you. Use the visitor form by clicking "Visit" or "Visit this Lodge," and a member of the Masonic Fraternity will contact you about visiting their lodge.
There is no obligation to join when you visit a lodge. Come and meet the men associated with the fraternity, if there are multiple lodges in your area, visit multiple lodges, every lodge has its own personality and focus as a group. Click the button below and begin your journey down the path of Freemasonry!
If you need assistance with finding a lodge please contact the Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Vermont for further assistance or questions.