Welcome to the Grand Lodge of Vermont Free and Accepted Masons
Welcome to our website, the electronic home of the Most Honorable Society of Free and Accepted Masons of Vermont. We are extremely proud both of our Masonic heritage and the Green Mountain State.
This website is a window to Masonry in Vermont. Members can obtain information about lodges, districts events and a calendar. Non-Masons can use it to learn more about our Fraternity and who to contact for more information.
Founded and chartered in 1794, the Grand Lodge of Vermont is comprised of 83 subordinate lodges in the state, located from North Troy, Swanton, and Guildhall in the north to Brattleboro, Wilmington, and Bennington in the south. The Grand Lodge of Vermont is the oldest and longest consecutive active not-for-profit organization in Vermont. It has been so recognized by the State of Vermont.
The original charter for the Grand Lodge of Vermont was signed by Paul Revere.
Being there are Lodges throughout the State, members can travel short distances to attend a Lodge meeting. It also provides prospective members the opportunity to find a Freemason and a Lodge not far from home.
Many noted men have belonged to Freemasonry and members come from all walks of life. Currently, among others, Vermont's former Governor Jim Douglas is a member.
Many of our Lodge buildings are nestled in small communities that touch the spine of the Green Mountains, or are in a valley with a startling view of the same. Our members are very involved in improving themselves and other Brothers, making their Lodges thrive, and making a positive impact in their communities.
We invite you to browse our website. You will learn the location of Lodges, see a calendar of events and have the ability to submit questions or ask for more information.